SmartHub Traffic Types

Different traffic types in advertising serve distinct purposes and offer valuable benefits. They cater to diverse traffic channels and audience segments, allowing demand partners to tailor their messages and ad formats for relevance. Demand partners can bid for different traffic categories and reach brand awareness, conversions, or other objectives.

Cost-effectiveness, geographic targeting, and platform features further enhance the flexibility and effectiveness of advertising strategies. Utilizing a mix of digital traffic types diversifies strategies, reducing reliance on a single source and enhancing your opportunities to earn more from media trading in your ad exchange.

Here, we'll cover the types of traffic you can enable on SmartHub and the benefits of each.

SmartHub Supports All Traffic Types

Desktop Traffic

Desktop traffic refers to website or internet activity originating from desktop or laptop computers, and it holds substantial significance in the ad tech market. Desktop users encompass a diverse audience, including professionals and consumers, with distinct browsing behaviors.

They often engage in activities like online shopping, research, and high-value transactions, making desktop traffic valuable for advertisers. Desktop screens accommodate various ad formats, allowing for creative and engaging advertising strategies. Additionally, desktop traffic plays a pivotal role in e-commerce and supports traffic type by device user tracking efforts.

Key Features

Large Screen:

Desktop screens provide ample space for display advertising, allowing for visually engaging and creative ad formats.

Detailed Browsing:

Desktop users often engage in detailed and extended browsing sessions, making them more receptive to informational and content-driven advertising.

E-commerce Opportunities:

Desktop traffic is crucial for e-commerce businesses, as users frequently make significant purchases on desktop devices.

Cross-Device Tracking:

Desktop traffic contributes to traffic type by device type tracking efforts, allowing advertisers to maintain engagement with users across different platforms.

Versatile Ad Formats:

Desktop traffic supports a wide range of ad formats, including videos, interactive ads, and more, enabling advertisers to experiment with creative strategies.

In-App Traffic

In-app traffic refers to internet activity within mobile apps. It's significant for advertisers due to targeted audiences, high engagement, and interactive ad formats. For publishers, it offers monetization, improved user experiences, and insights into user behavior and ad performance, benefiting both parties in the digital advertising ecosystem.

Key Features
Ad Mediation Platforms:

Mediation platforms optimize ad placements by selecting the best-performing ad networks, maximizing ad revenue for publishers.

Rewarded Video Ad Platforms:

These platforms enable publishers to offer users rewards (e.g., in-app currency) for engaging with video ads, increasing user engagement and ad revenue.

Mobile Web Traffic

Mobile web traffic, originating from mobile devices and web browsers, plays a pivotal role in digital advertising. Its significance stems from its extensive reach, versatile ad formats, and advanced targeting capabilities. Advertisers leverage smartphone traffic to engage with a diverse audience, tailor ad formats to various devices, deliver location-based ads, and create responsive ad experiences.

This platform promotes user engagement, facilitates app promotion, provides valuable data for precise targeting, supports ad tracking, and prioritizes user-centric ad experiences. In essence, mobile web traffic is a cornerstone of modern digital advertising strategies.

Key Features
Responsive Design:

Advertisers can create responsive ads that adapt traffic type by screen type and orientations, ensuring a seamless user experience across various devices.

Location-Based Targeting:

Mobile devices often have GPS capabilities, allowing advertisers to deliver location-based ads, such as promotions for nearby stores or services.

Cross-Device Tracking:

Mobile web traffic supports traffic by device user tracking, enabling advertisers to maintain engagement with users as they switch between devices.

App Promotion:

Advertisers can use mobile web traffic to drive app downloads by directing users to app store pages or encouraging immediate installations.

Rich Media Formats:

Mobile web traffic supports rich media ad formats, such as interactive banners, video ads, and playable ads, enhancing engagement and creativity.

CTV (Connected TV) Traffic

Connected TV (CTV) traffic, generated by viewers streaming video content on streaming devices like smart TVs and streaming players, is pivotal in modern advertising. It's crucial due to its wide adoption, diverse audience, and engagement potential. CTV allows personalized, data-driven ads, access to premium content, and interactive formats, enabling advertisers to connect effectively with viewers.

Key Features
Audience Targeting:

Platforms offer sophisticated targeting options, allowing advertisers to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors among CTV viewers.

Ad Formats:

They provide various ad formats tailored for CTV, such as interactive ads, video ads, and dynamic ad insertion.

Inventory Management:

They assist publishers in managing and optimizing their ad inventory, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Ad Insertion:

Platforms offer tools for seamless ad insertion, ensuring that ads fit naturally within the CTV content.

Audience Insights:

Publishers gain insights into their audience's preferences and behavior, helping them tailor content and advertising strategies.


  • How can you maximize revenue from In-App Traffic on SmartHub?

    On SmartHub you can maximize revenue from In-App Traffic by leveraging real-time bidding, header bidding. Additionally, use traffic distribution mechanism to channel more in-app supply towards in-app demand.

  • What tools does SmartHub provide for optimizing Mobile Web Traffic?

    SmartHub offers a range of tools for optimizing Mobile Web Traffic. These include real-time analytics for performance monitoring, ad placement optimization for better user engagement, A/B testing for ad creatives, and audience targeting options. Additionally, SmartHub provides ad quality control measures to enhance the user experience and maximize revenue from smartphone traffic.

  • How can businesses integrate SmartHub's technology for seamless CTV Traffic management?

    Businesses can seamlessly integrate SmartHub's technology for CTV Traffic management by API (Application Programming Interface). SmartHub offers easy-to-use development tools and documentation, allowing businesses to integrate CTV advertising into their apps or platforms efficiently. This integration enables precise ad targeting, performance tracking, and revenue optimization within the Connected TV ecosystem.

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