Posted on Jun 8, 2022

New! Now You Can Connect Audio Supply with VAST tags

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Some time ago we’ve been reviewing VAST tags as a connection type for video demand and supply. Great news! Now with VAST tags you can also integrate audio supply. In this article, we’d like to tell you more about the benefits of VAST tags and how to integrate audio supply with them to gain new opportunities for your marketplace. 

VAST Tags and Their Benefits

VAST tags are most frequently mentioned when we talk about video ads (pre, mid, and post rolls). However, it’s important to know that VAST tags are also suitable for serving audio advertising in your SmartHub platform. The full list of VAST-enabled ads is quite extensive and involves companion and inline ads, linear videos, overlays, and joint banners. 

The 4.0 and later VAST versions were significantly modernized – the latest standard is capable of transferring large arrays of media files. Likewise, the latest VAST standards can successfully transfer all necessary metadata along with ads (with the same excellent level of creative rendering across devices). It also has better capacities to serve ads with interactive media, plus, it has profound reporting and tag validation. 

Since audio and video advertising traffic gets increasingly popular, you can achieve greater media-trading outcomes by providing such inventory for your demand. 

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Supply Integration With VAST Tags in SmartHub

The set up of VAST audio format is the same as video VAST format. In the previous article, we’ve also been reviewing what is a VAST tag and how to generate your VAST tag with the supported macros on SmartHub.

In case you have any questions on how to generate an audio VAST tag please contact your Account Manager and they will be happy to guide you through the process.

Wrapping it up

Along with video, audio traffic is highly sought-after. For this reason, we’ve added the VAST integration for audio so that SmartHub owners could multiply their media-trading opportunities. While conveniently connecting the right audio supply, you will be able to satisfy the demand for audio inventory to a great extent and, as a result, increase profits.

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