Posted on Sep 22, 2023

How To Create A Strong Programmatic Ads Strategy?

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Getting people’s attention is a task that becomes more challenging every single year. That is because the competition in various industries keeps growing, and people have their attention pulled away by all kinds of content and gimmicks all the time. This trend has put tremendous pressure on advertising agencies and professionals to develop powerful programmatic advertising strategies to get brands and messages out to the right people at the lowest cost possible.

Here enters programmatic advertising and programmatic advertising trends. What is it, and how does one maximize opportunities from this new trend? Programmatic advertising uses automation and software to determine and target ads to more high-converting audiences. Imagine a system that launches a campaign, measures the results, determines who likes the ad, and shows that ad to people just like the booming segment. That innovative approach helped the programmatic ads sector make $418 billion in 2021. That number could reach $725 billion by the end of 2026.

Programmatic advertising is one of today’s most promising advertising and technology careers. But where does one start, and how can companies maximize this approach? Here are the best practices for creating a programmatic advertising strategy which will bring impressive results.

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Importance Of Strong Programmatic Ads Strategy

A robust programmatic ad strategy is crucial for businesses in today’s digital landscape. Companies can achieve higher ROI, precise audience engagement, and streamlined campaign management by efficiently targeting audiences and automating ad placements. 

This strategy optimizes ad spend, maximizes reach, and enhances overall brand visibility, leading to improved conversions and sustained growth. Embracing programmatic advertising empowers businesses to stay competitive, adapt to market dynamics, and deliver tailored messages that resonate with their target customers, ultimately driving success in the digital marketplace.

Programmatic Advertising Strategy: Best Practices

Navigating the realm of programmatic advertising requires a deep understanding of its mechanics and benefits. At SmartHub, programmatic advertising is more than a service – it’s a core competency that drives remarkable results for our clients.

How to build a programmatic strategy? Our extensive experience has honed our ability to orchestrate campaigns that leverage our targeting pool with precision, automation, and data-driven insights. This holistic approach maximizes the impact of each advertising initiative.

Our journey with programmatic advertising has been a continuous learning process, resulting in a refined playbook for success that we’re eager to share. Whether you’re seeking brand visibility or ROI optimization, our programmatic expertise stands ready to elevate your strategies. Let’s harness the power of programmatic advertising together for unparalleled success.

Additionally, explore what is supply path optimization, and top-3 strategies for achieving success in programmatic advertising campaigns.

1. Set up targeted demographics

The first step is nothing new under the sun but golden in its effectiveness nonetheless. Like any other programmatic marketing strategy, programmatic advertising starts with setting up ads with targeted demographics. As fundamental as this step might seem, it’s still alarming how many companies say that “everyone is the target market” and waste thousands, if not millions, in wasted ads. 

Being specific with one’s demographics is key to getting relevant traffic and improving conversion rates. It gives a good starting point and allows the ad to collect better information and inform measurable results. Demographics can be targeted based on a person’s age, preferences, gender, income bracket, location, etc.

2. Target behaviors

Another rising best practice in the advertising sphere is behavioral targeting. These behaviors could include visiting a website, clicking on a button, viewing a specific social media profile, liking a post, watching a video, etc. 

Programmatic advertising tools can help track people’s behaviors and target ads based on those actions. For instance, one ad could gather information on teenagers and kids who watch Marvel movie trailers on YouTube and Facebook and retarget ads that promote Marvel character merchandise and toys for their age group. Pairing those action-targeting strategies with specific demographics is a great combination for successful programmatic campaigns.

3. Create retargeting campaigns

Many programmatic advertising platforms do more than just target ads. Another feature one must learn how to use is setting up ads with strong retargeting programmatic campaigns. It’s not news that people don’t always buy at first sight of an advertisement. But if a brand could build up a set of ads in the correct succession, it could improve brand awareness and turn that familiarity into a sense of curiosity or liking.

Programmatic advertising retargeting makes it possible to talk to multiple prospects with a fully customized roadmap for each based on a retargeting campaign. Here’s what that might look like. Let’s say you target two people with the same ad for a running shoe brand. One clicks on the ad while the other closes it automatically. The programmatic ad system can track that and take two different approaches. The first one — the person who clicks— will get a discount coupon to close the deal on the shoe they clicked on. The second person who exited could receive an offer from a different shoe brand that could meet their needs. These are just some examples of great retargeting strategies.

4. Maximize your creatives and content

Many types of programmatic advertising could help create better conversions and results. But the approach isn’t the only key to a good digital marketing strategy. One has to have good content too. Sometimes, ads fail not in the targeting strategy or demographic building. It’s in the content itself. 

An important question to ask, whether you’re running an internal ad or advertising on the white-label service platform, is, “does this ad creative add value to my audience?” The holy trinity of advertising value is as follows:

  • Education — Will people learn something new or feel enriched?
  • Entertainment — Does the content entertain the audience?
  • Intrigue — Does the ad spur curiosity? 

5. Set up strong hooks

The last step is to develop a strong hook. It’s not just enough to put a “buy now” button. Create a compelling reason for people to act now. When leads delay an action, there’s a big chance they’ll never take it— whether it’s subscribing, buying, or joining. Creating a sense of urgency by putting in a timed offer or making them feel like acting as soon as possible is the best decision. 

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Programmatic Advertising As The Future Of Ads

The future of programmatic advertising looks promising. Programmatic advertising now makes up 72% of the digital ads spending pool. Moreover, we could look at a time when automation and programs rule the digital advertising world. In the near future, this development could propel brands to the next level of awareness, authority, and profitability.

By the year 2023, the revenue of the worldwide marketing automation software sector is anticipated to reach $5.4 billion. This projected yearly figure is poised to exceed $11.2 billion by 2031, doubling the industry’s value substantially.

Out of the million websites experiencing the highest traffic, 2.6 percent incorporated header-bidding technology as of June 2022. This figure rose to eight percent among the top 100 thousand websites and surged further to 12.5 percent within the top 10 thousand websites. This means that despite the programmatic advertising market’s large scale and rapid development, it has a huge potential for further growth and advancement.

Projected to expand at a CAGR of 11.2% from 2023 to 2028, the Digital Signage Market is poised to achieve a substantial size of $27.8 billion by 2028. This growth surge can be attributed to the escalating need for digitized product and service promotion, a powerful method to captivate the desired audience effectively. Moreover, the rising demand for 4K digitized sign displays coupled with embedded software and media players is driving market demand, offering an affordable Ultra HD digital signage solution to customers.

How SmartHub Can Help Your Business Grow

SmartHub stands as a pioneering white label ad network, offering a rapid entry point into the ad tech arena. By adopting a customer-centric ethos and utilizing pre-built technology, SmartHub empowers businesses to effortlessly establish and manage their ad exchanges.

Our distinctive approach centers on proactive customer care and dedicated expert support, ensuring remarkable business outcomes. Backed by attentive assistance, expert advice, and innovative cost-saving technology, SmartHub provides a potent amalgamation that propels businesses towards remarkable achievements.

So, how can SmartHub help businesses?

With SmartHub, you can confidently embrace the opportunities of the ad tech landscape, harnessing our robust platform to unlock extraordinary results. Encounter the impact of a customer-focused strategy, peerless expertise, and advanced technology; all encapsulated within the comprehensive solution that is SmartHub – your gateway to unparalleled success in the ad tech sector.

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In conclusion, the journey toward building a robust programmatic ads strategy intertwines data-driven precision and creative ingenuity. As you reflect on the insights shared in this article, you’ve gained a comprehensive roadmap to navigate the complexities of crafting an impactful programmatic approach.

Embarking on this path entails a strategic fusion of several crucial elements:

1. Set Up Targeted Demographics

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of a successful programmatic advertising strategy. Identifying and targeting specific demographics empowers your programmatic campaigns to resonate deeply with the right people.

2. Target Behaviors

Unraveling user behavior patterns enables you to refine your approach further. By aligning your strategy with the actions of your audience, you can craft messages that effortlessly connect.

3. Create Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting introduces a dynamic layer to your strategy, allowing you to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your brand. This personalized touch can significantly enhance conversion rates.

4. Maximize Your Creatives and Content

Creatives are the vessels through which your message travels. Captivating visuals and compelling content fuel engagement and establish an emotional bond with your audience.

5. Set Up Strong Hooks

The initial moments of interaction are pivotal. Creating strong hooks ensures you capture users’ attention and keep them engaged with your message.

As you implement your programmatic strategy, remember that it’s a fluid process, demanding a balance between data analytics and imaginative storytelling. Each element you’ve explored here plays a vital role in shaping your strategy’s success.


What is a programmatic ad strategy?
A programmatic advertising strategy is an automated approach to buying and optimizing digital ads. It uses data and algorithms to target specific audiences in real time, maximizing ad efficiency and relevance. This method streamlines the ad buying process across various platforms and placements, enhancing campaign performance and reaching the right users with the right message.
How do you create a programmatic strategy?
To create a programmatic strategy, define your goals, target audience, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Choose suitable ad formats and platforms. Access a Demand-Side Platform (DSP) to set parameters for ad placements and bids. Utilize data to identify high-performing segments. Continuously analyze and optimize programmatic campaigns based on real-time insights, refining your strategy for optimal results.
What is the future of programmatic advertising?
The future of programmatic advertising holds AI-driven personalization, best targeting options, and increased transparency in data usage. Automation will streamline workflows, optimizing campaign efficiency. Privacy regulations may reshape data practices. Integration with emerging technologies like AR and VR will offer innovative ad experiences. Overall, programmatic will evolve to deliver more relevant, ethical, and engaging interactions.
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