Traffic Filtering and Management Options
on SmartHub

Optimizing ad exchange performance requires ensuring high-quality ads traffic, and this is where multiple SmartHub traffic filtering and management options come in handy.

Invalid traffic filtering, improved control over advertising campaigns, black and white lists: with these and other features already integrated into SmartHub, your ad exchange will remain effective and profitable.

Traffic Filtering and Management
on SmartHub

SmartHub offers an entire set of traffic filtering options and traffic management features,
each aimed at eliminating invalid traffic and maximizing the platform's performance.

Traffic distribution adaptive mechanism

Deliver the right traffic to the right DSPs with ease: our self-learning traffic distribution mechanism will not only optimize the traffic but also explore new parameters to be able to adapt its mechanism. Moreover, the feature allows optimizing profits according to impression prices so that media trading in your marketplace will always be profitable.

Traffic logging

Monitor the traffic your platform receives: set the required parameters and get a list of requests matching them. By getting the full picture, you can optimize the traffic for your partners and generate advertising income.

Endpoints management

Create and manage endpoints to connect SSP and DSP partners to your ad exchange. Specify multiple parameters, including connection type, traffic type, and ad format, to match DSPs with SSPs and ensure high-quality traffic.

Mismatched IPs and Bundles throttling

Set up filters for your DSP partners to detect mismatches and see when the IP or application bundle in the request differs from the IP or bundle in the related impression.

IFA and IPv4 missing requests throttling

Manage traffic effectively and allow only those requests that contain IFA (device ID) or use historically stored IDs if the supplier does not provide these values. Enable the “IPv4 required” filter to allow sending requests with version 4.

Secured traffic filtering

Apply our secure traffic filtering features to select the type of traffic for your partners. Choose between secure and non-secure options or combine both types for the same DSP.

Adult traffic filtering

Manage adult traffic with ease: exclude or allow it for your connected DSP partners. When relevant, allow any traffic, including the adult one.

Blocked CRIDs

Set up a block list in the CRID (Content Reference Identifier) object to filter traffic that includes keywords unrelated to your DSP or SSP partners.

Blocked categories

Create allowed and blocked lists according to the entire set of categories: domains, publisher IDs, IP addresses, bundles, etc.


Filter traffic of your DSP partners according to the geo parameter. Block requests sent from the countries specified in the DSP geo black lists, as well as requests from the locations not included in the geo white lists.

Price limit/Price filtering

Benefit from traffic filtering procedures on the basis of price. If the price your DSP partner bids is less or equal to the price specified in the request, the response will be dropped.

Traffic volume filtering

Limit the incoming traffic volume for your connected DSP partners according to their specified maximum number of requests per second. If it is reached, part of the requests will be dropped.

Content category filtering

Block specific categories and subcategories to prevent bid responses with the selected parameters from taking part in the auction and ensure only relevant traffic for your SSP partners.

SSP/DSP/Publishers white and black lists

Create white and black lists for both the demand and supply sides to easily filter out irrelevant requests and responses or prioritize particular ones.

Blocked domains (ADM)

Create and apply filter lists using the domain object in the ADM to allow or block certain traffic for your SSP and DSP partners.

IPv6 traffic filtering

Filter out incoming requests that contain non-supported IPv6 or miss IP addresses at all to validate traffic to your connected DSPs.

Build a Fully-Served Ad Exchange
of Your Dream!

Elevate Your Campaigns
With Our Expertly Tailored Platform

  • On SmartHub, you don’t have to get involved in managing invalid traffic since this type of traffic is never getting inside of your ad exchange thanks to scanners and filters. The platform already has all the essential tools that prevent fraud from affecting your ad exchange.
  • And with tools for traffic filtration, you can also invite only the right types of traffic into your ecosystem. With our solution, you get a marketplace with advanced traffic optimization functionality to meet the needs of both your demand- and supply-side partners.
  • Take a look at the case of Phonder — with SmartHub, it managed to achieve a greater media-trading efficiency thanks to traffic throttling and auto-optimization. Within just a couple of months, Phonder scaled the platform to 200k QPS and reached 87% revenue growth. Meanwhile, the SmartHub deployment time took only 7 days.
  • To help you attain your goals with a programmatic ad exchange, we implemented an entire set of procedures for traffic filtration. By combining them, you will ensure high-quality traffic and financial success of your platform.

Explore the differences between SmartHub Basic and SmartHub White Label and choose a solution that will fully meet your needs.

Case Studies

Find out about high-quality, fully-served ad exchange in our partners success stories

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  • Are there any additional options for traffic filtration on SmartHub?

    Yes. For instance, you can use a QPS adapter filter to analyze the traffic your connected DSPs bid on. After the feature discovers the DSP’s preferences, it starts sending more of such traffic to match demand and supply effectively.

  • Can I customize traffic filtering rules on SmartHub?

    SmartHub offers multiple traffic filtering options, but it is not required for you to use all of them. For example, activating the blocked categories filter is not mandatory, as well as setting up black and white lists. However, the more settings you apply, the easier it will be for you to drive the right traffic and, thus, income.

  • How does SmartHub handle adult traffic filtering?

    On SmartHub, such traffic is identified on the basis of keywords in the domain name. You can exclude such traffic for your DSP partners, allow only it, or enable all the traffic, including the adult one.

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